

At the moment only information about the main branches of the « Castelbou » family is shown. In the future we hope there will be more information about the :

  • Lassalle
  • Bonhomme         Families.
  • Besson

The Families

  • Castelbou

Its origin


The genealogical research made on this patronym indicate that it originated in the Southwest of France :

  •  Either from the district of Aveyron :
    - Brasc, Saint-Dalmazi
    - hamlet of the villages of Calmel-et-le-Viala and Vabres l'Abbaye

  •  Or of the Tarn :
    - hamlet of the village of Lautrec


Earliest reference


Pierre Castelbou married Marie Anne Saussol on 28th February 1726 in Thouels (near Brasc in Aveyron).
Pierre was born between 1700 and 1705.




Croix de la Tourelle (Brasc -12-)
Cross of the Tourelle - 15th century

Brasc is on the border between the regions of Aveyron and Tarn.
At an altitude of 590 metres, the village of Brasc (established in 1845) is divided by a plateau on the West/ East, and the valley of the Tarn in the Northwest.

Brasc's name, originally, meant « heather ». But formerly, in language of « oc » (one of the three dialects of France with « oil » and « franco-provençal »), it was called « la pata negra » (the black paw) because of the colour of the land. A poor, uncultivated land where chestnut-trees grew and where they cultivated rye and later, potatoes.


Distribution of the patronym Castelbou


INSEE source : Total number of births in the 97 departments (of France) over the period

1891 - 1915

1916 - 1940

1941 - 1965

1966 - 1990








This patronym probably came from Castel (house, castle) and of Bovis (oxen).
Thus becoming « house of oxen », those who rented or worked and ploughed the fields.

As variants, it also finds : Castelbon, Castelbouc.


Family tree


Please, click the tree to discover a part of our family tree.

Family tree of the Castelbou family.

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